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Category: Assisted Living

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Craft Ideas for Seniors With Limited Mobility

Crafting isn’t just for kids—it’s a timeless way for people of all ages to express creativity and enjoy a sense of accomplishment. Some of our favorite craft ideas for seniors with limited mobility include memory collages, no-sew fabric projects, personalized picture frames, nature-inspired crafts, bead jewelry, clay modeling, and easy painting activities. Crafting for Seniors: […]

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Does Assisted Living Have Nurses?

Assisted living communities are designed for seniors who need some assistance with daily activities, but do not require round-the-clock medical care. In general, assisted living communities do not have registered nurses on staff. This is because they are not considered medical facilities and are therefore not required to have licensed medical professionals on-site at all […]

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How Assisted Living Can Improve Your Quality of Life

Happy seniors sitting in living room playing chess and socializing with one another

Understanding your needs is essential for maintaining and improving your quality of life. However, as we age, it can be a challenge to keep up with daily living demands. Going to the grocery store, lifting heavy objects, and making minor house repairs can eventually become tiring or even dangerous. Assisted Living can help manage the […]

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Nursing Homes vs. Assisted Living: What’s the Difference

When a parent or other loved one needs more care to live comfortably and safely, it can be overwhelming to consider all of the options available. Two care options you’ve likely heard a lot about are nursing homes and assisted living.  They’re each designed for individuals with quite different needs. In short, a nursing home […]

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Talking to Your Children About Assisted Living Care

Talking about assisted living care can be incredibly difficult, and although there are many resources for children looking to start the challenging conversation with their parents, the same cannot be said for proactive parents. Rather than waiting for your children to make the decision for you, we recommend that you start the conversation early so that you […]

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