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How to Avoid Elderspeak

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The act of looking after older adults involves not just medical and physical assistance, but also a deep understanding of their emotional needs. A critical, yet frequently disregarded factor, is the communication style we employ with them.

Unknowingly, many of us adopt a language pattern termed “elderspeak” when conversing with seniors. This form of language tends to negatively impact their emotional health. Nonetheless, we can abstain from using it by preserving respect as the cornerstone of all interaction, and by refraining from condescendingly treating them like infants.

By adhering to this approach, we can create a respectful and uplifting atmosphere for our loved ones.

What is Elderspeak?

Elderspeak refers to a specific style of conversation, distinguished by an overemphasized tone, slow speech cadence, and basic language. While it’s commonly used unknowingly by individuals such as caregivers, family members, or health professionals when speaking with seniors.

In essence, this type of communication springs from a well-meaning place, often aiming to demonstrate kindness and care. Nonetheless, elderspeak may be perceived as belittling, potentially leaving older adults feeling devalued and disrespected.

Examples of Elderspeak

Identifying elderspeak in everyday communications can be tricky, largely because it often disguises itself under the guise of compassionate language. This could be talking in a childlike manner, addressing the elderly with terms of endearment such as “sweetie” or “dear”, or even overexplaining or simplifying language unnecessarily.

Consider the following examples:

  • Asking a question like “How do we feel today, sweetie?” in an overly enthusiastic, high-pitched tone.
  • Using labels like “honey,” “dear,” or “sweetheart” instead of referring to an older person by their name.
  • Asking, “Would you like to go potty?” as opposed to “Do you need to use the  restroom?”

While these examples might appear harmless, unfortunately, they can showcase a lack of respect and acknowledgment of an older adult’s independence and maturity.

What Is the Problem with Elderspeak?

Despite having good intentions at times, the use of elderspeak can lead to several detrimental effects on the elderly. Primarily, it may come across as condescending, causing a blow to their self-esteem and autonomy. It can give seniors a feeling of being undermined and less appreciated, as they are treated like children.

Additionally, elderspeak may be a catalyst for feelings of segregation and desolation. The continual demeaning interaction can take a toll on their mental health, causing them to shy away from socializing, and amplifying feelings of solitude.

Lastly, elderspeak can be a barrier to effective dialogue. The use of oversimplified language and overstated tones can create difficulties for seniors in comprehending and responding correctly, especially for those with cognitive dysfunctions. Proper communication necessitates clearness and respect, elements which elderspeak tends to overlook.

Elderspeak as a Form of Ageism

Ageism is the molding of prejudiced views, stereotypes, and unequal treatment directed towards individuals due to their age, predominantly elder adults.

Engaging in elderspeak, often unknowingly, propels the demeaning stereotype that seniors are less competent, incapable or require a toned-down form of communication.

This act inadvertently erodes their dignity and bolsters the misguided belief that getting older equates to fragility or incompetence. It’s crucial to acknowledge elderspeak as a subtle but harmful kind of ageism, fundamental to fostering a society that respects and treats everyone equally.

Additionally, condescending language and tone can lead to decreased cooperation, particularly if you are in a caregiving capacity with an older adult. This could complicate the process of caring for individuals with Alzheimer’s or dementia, making an inherently complex situation even more challenging.

How to Avoid Elderspeak

A younger adult and a senior touching their fists together in celebration of mutual understanding and smiling together.

Changes in communication style can vary based on the person and circumstance. Still, it’s crucial to remember that well-intentioned words may not always be received as such. Therefore, comprehending possible perceptions of your words is vital.

Mindfulness and deliberate effort are key factors in avoiding condescension when speaking with seniors. Here’s some actionable advice:

  • Preferred name or title: Always address seniors with their chosen name or title. It’s a sign of respect and acknowledgment of their individuality.
  • Keep your tone natural: Communicate in a normal, clear voice, devoid of any pretense. Refrain from adopting patronizing tones and overly simple language.
  • Encourage dialogue with open-ended questions: Prompt more engaging conversation by asking open-ended questions such as, “What are your thoughts on this? ” or “How has your day been?”

By incorporating these techniques, you can greatly enhance the quality of your interactions with seniors, ensuring they feel appreciated and respected.

How to Respond to Elderspeak

If you observe someone using elderspeak towards an older individual, addressing it delicately is crucial to prevent any discomfort. Here’s how it can be done:

  • Gentle education: Make them understand what elderspeak is and its implications. Ensure the language used is peaceful and non-aggressive.
  • Demonstrate appropriate conduct: Show them how to interact respectfully by appropriately addressing the senior and keeping a natural tone.
  • Encourage open dialogue: Encourage the senior to share their feelings on being spoken to and honor their preferences.

You can also introduce these techniques to your parents, enabling them to assert themselves if someone communicates with them inappropriately while you’re away.

Cordial communication is mutual. By nurturing consciousness and promoting positive alterations, we can evolve a more inclusive and respectful atmosphere for all.Understanding the essence of feeling respected and cherished as one ages is fundamental at All American at Londonderry. Reach out to us today to discover if our community can provide your parent the support they need to relish their freedom and dignity.

Written by All American Assisted Living at Londonderry

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