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Category: Memory Care

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Engaging Activities for Seniors with Dementia

As dementia progresses, it impacts several areas of the brain, including those that play an important role in our ability to engage in activities and hobbies.  This can sometimes make familiar activities like painting, music, or playing games more challenging. However, both continuing to engage in hobbies and trying new activities can help stimulate areas […]

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How to Get Guardianship of a Parent with Dementia

How to Get Guardianship of a Parent with Dementia Taking care of a parent with dementia often requires making decisions on their behalf, especially as their condition progresses. Guardianship might be necessary if your parent can no longer manage their finances, healthcare, or other vital aspects of their life.  You can obtain guardianship of a […]

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5 Daily Habits That Reduce Your Risk of Dementia 

Dementia is a growing concern that significantly impacts individuals and families worldwide. As our population ages, the prevalence of dementia continues to rise, leading to a demand for caregiving and specialized care such as memory care. However, there is hope. Certain daily habits can reduce the risk of developing dementia and promote better cognitive health, […]

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How to Talk to Someone with Dementia

Communicating with an individual who suffers from dementia or Alzheimer’s can be challenging. As the illness progresses, communication becomes increasingly difficult as they struggle to remember ideas, articulate their thoughts, and manage their emotions.  Despite these struggles, it’s incredibly important to continue to communicate with these individuals, as those relationships help promote better self-esteem, sense […]

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