All American at Londonderry

Assisted Living for Londonderry Seniors

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The Support to Maintain Your Independence

Our Assisted Living program features an efficient care model that allows residents to maintain your independence for as long as possible. With 24/7 access to care available when you need it and complimentary services that take the stress out of daily activities, you’re free to enjoy our beautiful amenities and engaging roster of activities whenever you want.

Our staff will help find you an option that best suits your needs and your budget.

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The Support to Maintain Your Independence

Our Assisted Living program features an efficient care model that allows residents to maintain your independence for as long as possible. With 24/7 access to care available when you need it and complimentary services that take the stress out of daily activities, you’re free to enjoy our beautiful amenities and engaging roster of activities whenever you want.

Our staff will help find you an option that best suits your needs and your budget.

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What Does Assisted Living Mean?

For many, the natural aging process means that some activities of daily living become more difficult. These activities may include:

  • Eating
  • Bathing
  • Restroom activities
  • Dressing
  • Getting around

With our Assisted Living program, you’ll have access to a beautifully furnished apartment-style suite complete with kitchenette, living area, and bathroom. 24-hour care is available at any time if you need help with anything and will always be provided with respect and discretion.


Our residents enjoy 3 balanced, home-style meals a day served restaurant-style in our dining room. Here, you have a chance to sit and socialize with your community while you dine, with support if you need it. Our kitchen will also adhere to any dietary restrictions you have to ensure you’re healthy and comfortable.

We want our community to feel engaging and involved, so we carefully design a roster of fun activities. If you feel like joining in, you’re always welcome. However, participation is never obligatory. If you’d prefer to relax with a more solitary activity, that is all right as well—the choice is always yours.

Ensuring you have access to care when you need it is important to us, so we have staff available 24/7 to tend to you at a moment’s notice. No matter what you need to call us for, we’ll always be respectful and discreet so you can feel comfortable.

Our nursing team will also develop a personalized care plan with medication management to ensure all your needs are met.

We will also put you in touch with highly regarded third-party specialists to visit you regularly, if necessary.

Our Community Amenities

All of our residents at All American Assisted Living at Londonderry have complete access to:

  • Weekly housekeeping
  • Linen service
  • 24-hour staffing
  • Full maintenance
  • Scheduled transportation services
  • Exercise gym with programming
  • Full-service beauty salon and barbershop
  • Private dining room
  • Concierge services
  • Library
  • And more!

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Check Out What We Have to Offer

If you’d like to visit us, we’d love to see you! Find us on Button Drive, across Highway 102 from Londonderry Pediatrics and surrounding shops.

Our Address

1 Button Drive
Londonderry, NH 03053

Call Us

Phone: 603-537-9898


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